2019|Sri Krishna Institute Prestressed Concrete Engineering Handwritten Classroom Notes for IES GATE|2019

2019|Sri Krishna Institute Prestressed Concrete Engineering Handwritten Classroom Notes for IES GATE|2019

      Prestressed Concrete Handwritten Pdf

 Prestressed Concrete Handwritten Classroom Notes for IES GATE PDF

The primary survey is involved with the following steps: -primary traversing, topographical features, levelling works, drainage studies and hydrological features, data soil survey, material survey, traffic survey, determination of final centre line.

 Prestressed Concrete Handwritten Classroom Notes for IES 

All detailed topographical, hydrological and geotechnical data are collected. Longitudinal and cross sections are drawn. A detailed soil survey is carried out to know soil profile. Soil sampling is to be done 1.5 to 3.0m below ground line or finished grade line of the road whichever is lower.

If the product of a number of gate closures and the intensity of traffic on the highway in tones per day exceeds 50000. When the level crossing is within shunting limits of a railway station.

 Prestressed Concrete Handwritten Classroom Notes 

The speed that should be adopted in sections where site conditions or economics do not permit a design based on the ruling design based on the ruling design speed. determines operating speed, distance requirements in stopping, accelerating. For calculation of SSD, it has recommended the longitudinal frictional coefficient of 0.35 to 0.4.

 Prestressed Concrete Handwritten Classroom 



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