BOWDITCH RULE | What is Bowditch Rule | civil engineering

BOWDITCH RULE | What is Bowditch Rule | civil engineering

                                BOWDITCH RULE

Bowditch rule is mainly adopted where the linear measurement and angular measurement are of equal precision.

The Bowditch rule or method is also known as Compass Rule.

In this method, it is assumed that the error in linear measurement is directly proportional to √l

                                                   ∝  √l

And the error in angular measurement is inversely proportional to∝ √(1/l)

In this method, the correction in latitude and departure is based on the proportion of the actual length in a given traverse (l/Σl).

CL =  ΣL x (l/ Σl)

CD = ΣD x (l/Σl)

Where    CL = Correction in the latitude of particular site of the traverse.
              CD = Correction in Departure of particular site of traverse.
              ΣL = Total error in latitude.
              ΣD = Total error in departure.
                  l = Length of one side of the traverse.
                Σl = perimeter of given traverse ( l1 + l2 +l3 + ….)

What is Bowditch method?

What is Bowditch rule?

What is Compass Rule?

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