ACE GATE Aptitude ClassRoom Handwritten Notes PDF
Aptitude Handwritten Classroom Notes for Gate PDF
The gradient is also fixed in such a way that maximum power developed by the engine is equal to the power required to overcome the resistance to motion on the grade at design speeds.Limiting Gradients (Maximum gradient): A gradient steeper than the ruling gradient which may be used in restricted length, where keeping with in the ruling gradient is not possible due to topography.
Aptitude Handwritten Classroom Notes
(iii) Exceptional Gradient: A gradient steeper than the limiting gradient which may be used in very short stretches only (< 60 m in 1 km road length or should not exceed 100 m at a stretch) in exceptional situations..Aptitude Handwritten Classroom
Forces and Couples on a free-body diagram Each force or couple put on a free-body diagram represents a model of how the body in the freebody diagram is affected by its surroundings.Aptitude Handwritten
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